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A big percentage of metal parts need machining. The raw process might be
castings, forgings, bar material, welding structure, etc. Modern machining
centers utilizing traditional machining equipment, and CNC machining with
auto-feeders allow a variety of different cutting methods thus granting almost
endless possibilities.

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CNC Machining

CNC, or Computer Numerical Control, machining is a subtractive manufacturing process that takes human error out of the equation, using computerized lathe machine tools to make custom-designed parts. Automation is often implemented throughout the process, which can save the client time and cost on completing projects.


The CNC process relies on digital instructions made using computer-aided manufacturing software that writes code with numerical values that CNC machines can read to execute processes from beginning to end. CNC machines use that computer-aided design to automate, monitor, and control a machine’s movements. 


CNC machining is a manufacturing process in which pre-programmed computer software dictates the movement of factory tools and machinery. The process can be used to
control a range of complex machinery. With CNC machining, three-dimensional cutting tasks can be
accomplished in a single set of prompts.


Screw Machining

Screw machining is the process of rapidly spinning lathes that shave metal down to the desired size. There are 2 major types of screw machines: Turret and Swiss. Both automatic and CNC Swiss screw machines are relatively cost-efficient for longer production runs because once they have been correctly programmed and oriented.

At the same time, both processes are able to perform more precise work as a byproduct of their tight configuration and tooling. Overall, however, Swiss screw machines are superior to Turret style machines in their ability to output more precise work due to their ability to add additional types of tooling fixtures.

Image by Edge2Edge Media
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